Imagine It – We’ll  Make It

We make What You Can’t Find



Offering the latest custom 3D printing services as well as traditional manufacturing like thermoforming, machining, reverse engineering, and injection molding to ensure that we are always able to provide the best solution for every project.


A full team of in-house engineering services to create the ideal product for your company. Whether you need prototypes, a new product design, or a discontinued part to be reverse engineered – 3D Restoration can help.


3D Printing

Our 3D Printing services include Large Scale Additive Manufacturing, and Poly Jet technology to quickly and efficiently produce replacement automotive parts – solving customer’s specific, unique challenges.


Bringing Normalcy to Space Using 3D Printing Technology

Surviving in space is perhaps one of the greatest challenges of our recent past, current and future generations. Pioneering into the final frontier as scientists, and even colonists, is imbued with potential answers to thousands of questions (philosophical,...

3D Printed Bone Models Provide More Realistic Training for Doctors

Traditionally, when clavicle, wrist or ankle fractures require surgery, doctors rely on plate fixation. Plate fixation requires a large incision over the damaged bones and the application of metal fixtures to the outside of the bone to hold the fragments in place...

3D Printing Advancements Bring Medical Models to Life

Radiology communities have discovered the perfect complement to their life-saving medical imaging – 3D printing. Translating medical images into tangible, visual 3D printed models has proved to assist surgeons and other medical practitioners, educate patients, train...

Custom Antique Car Replacement Parts with Stratasys 3D Printing

In its heyday, the 1930 Sampson Special was a breakthrough in Indy auto design. But by the late 1930’s, the car was obsolete and most wound up in the wrecking yard. One of these gems was saved by a collector who recognized its significance as a racing artifact. To...